AEWA Executive Secretary Lenten, Plenary Chair von Websky, Financial Working Group Chair Diop, and Technical Working Group Chair Mungroo during the closing PLenary
Delegates bidding each other farewell
Delegates discussing the CMS GROMS
Delegates relaxing over coffee after the first session of the closing plenary
Financial Working Group Chair Diop
John O'Sullivan, Birdlife International
Nienke Beintema, AEWA
Friday, 27 September, 2002 Chair von Websky introduced a draft resolution on the Date, Venue and Funding of MOP-3 (AEWA/Res.2.10(Rev.1)). To date, no Parties have offered to host the next MOP, but it was agreed that it should take place before the end of 2005 or early 2006, preferably after Ramsar Convention's COP-9.
On Friday, 27 September, Chair von Websky introduced the draft report of MOP-2. The report was adopted with minor amendments.
Credentials Committee Chair Alfousseini Semega (Mali) reported on Parties' credentials status, noting that that 21 of the 32 Parties, and 12 observer Parties were accepted. Three Parties were not accepted as a result of not being submitted in accordance with the rules of procedure. Chair von Websky added that unaccredited Parties have two weeks to send their credentials to the Secretariat. Vice Chair Diop introduced a tribute to the organizers expressing gratitude to Germany for hosting and supporting the meeting. Chair von Websky then thanked delegates for a productive meeting, and encouraged them to continue. He also thanked the AEWA and CMS Secretariats, Wetlands International and the Credential Committee's and Working Groups' Chairs. AEWA Executive Secretary Lenten thanked the participants for their good inputs, and the German Government for supporting the efforts to make the meeting a success. Chair von Websky closed the meeting at 15.30 pm.
Listen to Chair von Websky's closing address |
Lamia Chamas, Lebanon
Jafar Barmaki, Iran
Safaq Kemalogu, Turkey
Achim Schmitz and Grik Schmidt-Wergifosse, Germany
Conference staff