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UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies SBI-10 and SBSTA-10
31 May - 11 June 1999

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Subsidiary bodies negotiations continue into the weekend

Due, in part, to a bomb scare that resulted in the abandonment of negotiations on Thursday afternoon, negotiators convened at the Maritim Hotel on Saturday for a number of formal and informal meetings. The Joint Working Group on compliance issues completed a first round of exchanges with agreement to have parties submit suggestions for a questionnaire and to await an outline work programme to be prepared by the Co-chairs. In a number of other meetings, negotiators addressed LULUCF, the AIJ pilot phase, and communications from Annex I and non-Annex I Parties.

The slow pace of negotiations as delegations struggle with the growing complexity of issues before them is of growing concern among participants and observers. Michael Grub, author of a forthcoming volume, The Kyoto Protocol: A Guide and Assessment (1999), speaking at a special event, went so far as to suggest that complexity may even out-weigh the importance of United States ratification as an emerging issue. The complexity issue has particularly serious implications for developing country participation. The G-77/China has repeatedly reminded other negotiators in Bonn that the group does not convene during intersessional periods. The possibility of holding more, informal, meetings to help the negotiators meet their deadlines for the Buenos Aires Action Plan is under active consideration.

The Climate Technology Initiative convened an information session entitled "International Collaborative Activities on Research and Development in the Field of Energy and Environment". Various speaker outlined recent projects undertaken or completed by CTI, and discussed possibilities for future international collaborations.
For further information:

Grubb on the EU proposal for a ceiling on the use of the Kyoto mechanisms

Aubrey Myer, Global Commons Institute, discusses the need for governments to recognize that climate change presents opportunities as well as policy challenges.

Angela Churie, ENB, during an informal discussion with Margaret Mukahanana (Zimbabwe) and Emily Massawa (Kenya)

Photos and RealAudio from 5 June

Negotiating sessions

The corridors of power: John Ashe (Antigua and Barbuda, far left) and Jurgen Wenderoth (Germany, second from the left) are among several delegates engaging in informal exchanges in the hallways of the Maritim.

Daniel Reifsnyder (US) and Paul Maclons (South Africa), Chair of the Contact Group on non-Annex 1 Communications

Maciej Sadowski, Co-Chair of the SBSTA contact group on LULUCF

Special events


Michael Grubb (left), at a Special Event convened by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, delivered a briefing on the Kyoto Protocol based on the conclusions of his forthcoming publication "The Kyoto Protocol: A Guide and Assesment". Mr. Grubb is seen here with one of the co-authors, Christiaan Vrolijk


Michael Grubb responds to a question on the CDM adaptation fund

Grubb on EU ratification and emissions trading.

A question on the pace of negotiation and workload followed by Grubb's response



Peter Doran, ENB, interviews Dr. Brian G. McConkey (Canada) on carbon sequestration, measurement and verification.

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