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Late-breaking news: Tuesday 10 Nov

Updates brought to you by the ENB team members throughout the day:

Ding2.gif (586 bytes)The US has tabled a series of proposed amendments to a G-77/China paper on flexible mechanisms. Under the headings referring to each of the mechanisms in the Protocol and to Article 4 on joint fulfillment of commitments the US has inserted a sentence: "Application to situation of voluntary commitments by non Annex I countries."

Ding2.gif (586 bytes)Special arrangements are being put in place for the High-Level Segment to provide an opportunity for the Government of Honduras to raise the plight of the Central American victims of hurricane "Mitch".

Ding2.gif (586 bytes)The Chairman of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation, Bakary Kante, warned delegations that he would have great difficulty going before international public opinion to say that any work had been completed at COP-4. His comments came after Parties decided to send a number of bracketed texts for further consideration at the COP Plenary. Chairman Kante had earlier appealed to delegations to refrain from "taking hostages" as a number of Parties defended or introduced new brackets. In one exchange at the closing session of the SBI, Kante described the behavior of the EU as unacceptable after he failed to resolve a dispute between the EU and the G-77/China.

8uganda_s.jpg (7229 bytes) Phillip Gwage, Ugandan Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, intervenes on behalf of the G-77/China in the SBSTA morning session to support the establishment of a technology transfer mechanism at COP-4 8usint_s.jpg (7683 bytes) Richard Bradley, US Department of Energy, opposed establishing a mechanism at COP-4 and proposed discussing the issue at future meetings

SBI FINAL SESSION: Parties’ exchanges during a debate on a report from a contact group on Implementation of UNFCCC Articles 4.8 and 4.9 (decision 3/CP.2 and Articles 2.3 and 3.14 of the Kyoto Protocol)


At the final session of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation at COP-4 on adverse impacts from climate change responses, the US, supported by the EU, reported that no consensus had been reached on a text prepared by the Co-Chairs of a Contact Group dealing with the issue. The EU called for further consultation and added that a decision on a financial mechanism should be reflected in the report to the COP Plenary. Saudi Arabia expressed disappointment and reserved the right to open all the draft decisions. Chair Kante appealed to Parties to draw back from "taking hostages".

The Chair of the contact group, Bo Kjellén, explained that the co-chairs’ report was subject to further consultation. He added that discussions were linked to many different issues in parallel negotiations in other groups. Agreement would be linked to what could be achieved in other negotiations. Chair Kante said the Contact Group’s text would be transmitted to the COP Plenary in square brackets.

Real Audio interventions from the final SBI session by:

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) United States

 raworld.gif (1544 bytes) The European Union

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Saudi Arabia

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Chair Bakary Kante

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Contact Group co-chair Bo Kjellén (Sweden)

8gefmeet2_s.jpg (4840 bytes) A small drafting group met to hammer out final text before the final evening negotiating sessions


8chair_s.jpg (8069 bytes) Right: SBI Chair Bakary Kante drinks Oolong tea to help him through the late evening SBI session

8euhuddle_s.jpg (5579 bytes) Left: Delegates from EU member countries huddle outside the meeting room during the SBI evening session

8sleep_s.jpg (7130 bytes) Negotiations continued into the early morning hours… 8sleep2_s.jpg (7303 bytes)

Exchanges on the negotiated text from the Contact Group on national communications from non-Annex I Parties

The Netherlands, for the EU, sought to introduce a new paragraph to a negotiated text introduced by the Co-Chairs’ of a Contact Group on national communications from non-Annex I Parties. The G-77/China responded by placing the entire draft decision in brackets. The Chair told the EU that the SBI had agreed that no new text could be added. Parties could add only brackets. The EU explained that his additional text was related to an agenda item which would come up under a later agenda item. The EU opted to bracket a related paragraph (No.6). The Chair consulted with the EU and the G-77/China but failed to get agreement. Kante described the EU’s approach as unacceptable and said the delegation was placing the work of the Contact Group in jeopardy. The entire text was sent to the COP Plenary in brackets.

Real Audio interventions from:

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) G-77/China

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Saudi Arabia and Chair Kante

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) The EU

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Chair Kante

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) The EU

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Chair Kante

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Chair’s conclusions

8china_s.jpg (6985 bytes)Left:  Shukong Zhong, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, China


8philip_s.jpg (7230 bytes) Bernaditas Castro Muller, Department of Foreign Affairs, Philippines 8maurit_s.jpg (7404 bytes) Mohamel Ould El Ghaouth, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères et de la Coopération, Mauritania

Celebrated Argentinian commentator Miguel Grinberg talks to the ENB

Award winning Argentine columnist and environmental commentator, Miguel Grinberg, puts the climate change negotiations in perspective in an interview with Peter Doran. Grinberg has recently described some official attempts to address sustainable development issues at the official level as "simulated negotiation." He is also concerned about the captivation of consumers in the southern hemisphere by 8petint_s.jpg (6106 bytes)consumer models and lifestyle models disseminated by the United States, Europe and Japan.

Right: Peter Doran, ENB, talks to Miguel Grinberg, UNEP Global 500 Prize winner.

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) RealAudio Interview with Miguel Grinberg

US delegation Press Briefing

In an update on the negotiations, Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs, Stuart E. Eizenstat, spoke and fielded questions from the media.

8eisenpr_s.jpg (6049 bytes) Left: Undersecretary of State Stuart Eisenstat

RealAudio recordings from the briefing:

 raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Stuart E. Eizenstat briefs reporters

 raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Eizenstat responds to a question about when the US can be expected to sign the Kyoto Protocol

European Union Commissioner Press Briefing

In this press briefing, European Union Commissioner Ritt Bjerregaard and President of the Council Martin Bartenstein discussed the lead they say the European Union has taken to combat climate change, as well as the outcomes they believe should come from COP4. This included an acknowledgement by Bjerregaard of differences between the US and the EU on some issues, and also a note that the EU would pay closer attention to the G77/China in future.

RealAudio recordings from the briefing:

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Martin Bartenstein outlines the EU's position and views

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) Ritt Bjerregaard elaborates on some of the points raised.

raworld.gif (1544 bytes) The two representatives answer questions from the floor relating to nuclear power generation and the EU's relationship with the G77/China.

8eubrit_s.jpg (7200 bytes) Ritt Bjerregaard, European Commissioner 8eupress2_s.jpg (6493 bytes) Martin Bartenstein, President of the Council

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