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Open-ended intersessional meeting on the Strategic Plan, National Reports and the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity 


Highlights for Tuesday, 20 November  2001

Delegates to the Open-ended Inter-sessional Meeting on the Strategic Plan, National Reports and Implementation (MSP) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) met in two working groups in the morning, in a brief afternoon Plenary to review progress, and in one working group in the afternoon. Working Group I (WG-I), on the strategic plan, discussed operational goals and a section on communication. Working Group II (WG-II) addressed national reports and continued work on implementation and operations of the Convention. Above photo: Delegates from the EU in a coordination huddle.



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Delegates to the Open-ended Inter-sessional Meeting on the Strategic Plan, National Reports and Implementation (MSP) of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) met in two working groups in the morning, in a brief afternoon Plenary to review progress, and in one working group in the afternoon. Working Group I (WG-I), on the strategic plan, discussed operational goals and a section on communication. Working Group II (WG-II) addressed national reports and continued work on implementation and operations of the Convention. 

Above photos L-R: Elaine Fisher (JAMAICA) Chair of WG-II and Peter Schei (NORWAY) Chair of WG-I reporting to plenary on the progress made within the two Working Groups.


In the morning, Chair Schei called for comments on the strategic plan's cross-cutting operational goals (UNEP/CBD/MSP/2). BELGIUM reiterated a proposal to include separate sections on the role of science and capacity building. Left photo: Belgium and EU member states coordinating during WG-I.

CANADA said the term should be understood very broadly. Delegates then debated language on the CBD's leadership role in the international arena and support of its implementation by other international processes. 
Left photo: David Brackett (CANADA), making an intervention during a session in WG-I.

ARGENTINA and BRAZIL (right)  disagreed and a group was formed to draft compromise language. The agreed-upon language states that the CBD is playing a leadership role on international biodiversity issues in cooperation

Regarding language on assessing, inventorying and recognizing traditional knowledge, NAMIBIA (left) called for reference to the involvement and prior informed consent of local and indigenous communities.

In a morning session, Working Group II discussed national reports and reviewed draft texts on operations and implementation of the Convention.


SWITZERLAND and others suggested that the Executive Secretary analyze national reports to identify obstacles and challenges, and make the results available through the CHM before the third national reports. Left photo: Robert Lamb (SWITZERLAND) (far left) in discussion with the delegate from ARGENTINA.

MEXICO said analysis should address the strategic plan's vision on sustainable development, while PORTUGAL  suggested using the analysis for developing the next strategic plans. Left photo: Portugal (far left and center) in discussion with a delegate from Belgium.

ERITREA (left) stressed timely release of GEF funding in order to avoid delays in reporting. 

Delegates considered UNEP/CBD/MSP/WG.II/CRP.2. MEXICO (left) requested adding text to help identify which COP decisions have been implemented.

DENMARK proposed text that would, inter alia: acknowledge the role of such institutions; encourage Parties to strengthen regional cooperation; and invite support for developing regional processes. Left photo: Veit Koester (DENMARK) making an intervention.


With regard to development of NBSAPs, COLOMBIA (right), supported by others, stressed the importance of consulting with indigenous and local communities. MEXICO noted the need for innovative ways to facilitate within-country tracking of implementation.
ENB writer in training:
Below and left photos: Veit Koester (DENMARK) (second from left) began his successful tryout as an ENB writer. 
ENB writers (L-R): Teya Penniman, Changbo Bai, and Jacob Andersen

CBD Secretariat web site with MSP official documents and Information for participants (doc and pdf)
Preparation of the Strategic Plan for the Convention
National Reports
ENB Summary of  CBD SBSTTA-7 ( HTML or PDF )
ENB Web Daily Coverage of CBD SBSTTA-7 
Managing Biodiversity in Agricultural Ecosystems
ENB's Introduction to CBD
German CHM COP Decisions Database

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