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23 February 

24 February 

25 February 

26 February 



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Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia | 23-27 February 2004

Daily Web Coverage |Mon 23| |Tue 24| |Wed 25| |Thu 26| |Fri 27|

Highlights for Friday 27 February 2004

On Friday, the closing Plenary of COP/MOP-1 elected Bureau members to replace members from countries not currently Parties to the Protocol, heard a report on credentials and adopted a tribute to the government and people of Malaysia. Delegates also elected the 15 members of the Compliance Committee, and adopted the meeting's and working groups' reports. CBD COP-7 resumed immediately following the closure of COP/MOP-1, to adopt the decision on guidance to the financial mechanism.

Above photo: COP-7 President Dato' Seri Law gaveled the meeting to a close at 3:50 pm

COP-7 Closing Plenary: 

Argentina, supported by Zimbabwe, Chile and Uruguay, expressed concern regarding restricting access to GEF funding for non-Parties to the Protocol. After informal consultations, Nigeria proposed, and delegates agreed to, language noting that all developing country CBD Parties, which provide a clear political commitment towards becoming Parties to the Protocol, shall be eligible for funding by the GEF for the development of national biosafety frameworks, and the establishment of national biosafety clearing-houses and other necessary institutional capabilities to enable ratification. The Plenary adopted the decision with this amendment. Above photos L-R: Diego Malpede and Raul Estrada (Argentina); Linda Brown (UK)

Above photo: Informal consultation regarding the  decision on guidance to the financial mechanism.

Above photo L-R: Linda Brown (UK) seeking guidance from Mario Ramos (GEF).

COP-7 President Dato' Seri Law (above left) said the meeting successfully set a path for an operational and practical instrument on biosafety, ensuring protection against the potential adverse effects of LMOs without unduly impeding trade. He then gaveled COP-7 to a close at 3:50 pm.

Above photo: Ositadinma Anaedu (Nigeria) presented the agreed text of the Informal consultation during plenary.

Closing Statements:

Listen to the closing statement of CBD Executive Secretary Hamdallah Zedan 

Listen to closing statement of Nehemiah Rotich on behalf of Klaus Töpfer, UNEP Executive Director.
COP/MOP-1 Closing Plenary: 

Above photo: COP/MOP-1 dais Chaired by COP-7 President Dato' Seri Law (center) with CBD Executive Secretary, Hamdallah Zedan and Olivier Jalbert (CBD)

Report of the COP/MOP-1 Working Groups:

WG-I Chair Pythoud (above left) reported on the outcomes of WG-I and Parties adopted its report with a minor amendment.

WG-II Chair Yang (above right)reported on the outcomes of WG-II and Parties adopted its report without amendments.

Australia noted its disappointment that the views of non-Parties were not taken into account in decision making and asked that the record clearly establish that COP/MOP decisions cannot make requests of other Parties. 

Above photo L-R: Thomas Roth and Peter Heyward (Australia)

The US noted its understanding that any non-compliance measures to be developed by the COP/MOP be consistent with international law and that provisions for documentation requirements under Article 18.2 are voluntary. 

Above photo: Deborah Malac (US)

COP/MOP-1 President Dato' Seri Law  (right) thanked all delegates for participating in a fruitful meeting providing a solid basis for the Protocol's effective implementation and gaveled the meeting to a close at 12:30pm.



ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of CBD COP-6
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of ICCP-3
ENB archives of CBD meetings
CBD web site
CBD BS-COP-MOP1 official meeting documents 
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of SBSTTA-9
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of ABS-WG2  
ENB Coverage and Summary (HTML, PDF, TEXT) of Article 8(j)-WG3
Global Biodiversity Forum web site