2024 United Nations Biodiversity Conference - SBI 5 / CBD COP 16 / CP-MOP 11 / NP-MOP 5
Participants will review the state of implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, including through alignment with national biodiversity strategies and action plans as well as resource mobilization. (Leer informes en español)
2024 CCICED Annual General Meeting
Concluding three days of considering a broad range of recommendations from the Special Policy Studies, CCICED members and other participants were ready to tackle the 2024/25 period and the new set of eight agreed research themes.
ENERGYNOW SDG7 Action Forum 2024
In close to 20 sessions, ministers and stakeholders held a variety of discussions on incentivizing action toward realizing SDG7 in line with net-zero goals. Among other issues, sessions focused on ensuring Africa's critical mineral resources benefit Africans, gender equity in the energy transition, and how energy could be addressed in a post-2030 agenda.
SDG Moment 2024
Held immediately following the Summit of the Future, the 2024 event brought together diverse voices to discuss how to reinvigorate the 2030 Agenda and the global governance system that underpins it.
20th Meeting of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee to the Stockholm Convention (POPRC-20)
Members faced the complexities of eliminating persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from complex global supply chains. Recommendations to list new chemicals all involved discussions on exemptions that would allow some ongoing uses, and how to handle downstream implications of those uses.
69th Meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC69)
Existential fault lines may remain, but the Commission’s civil and efficient deliberations resulted in some groundbreaking advances, demonstrating it can protect whales not only from hunting, but from other threats, including bycatch, entanglements, vessel strikes, climate change, underwater noise, and pollution.
Summit of the Future
Acknowledging the multilateral system is broken, many speakers said with slow progress or regression on the Sustainable Development Goals, the Summit should be seen as a last-ditch effort to turn the tide and reimagine a system of global governance that works for all.
20th Meeting of the Chemical Review Committee (CRC-20)
The CRC reviewed a record 35 notifications of final regulatory action, as well as four proposals for listing severely hazardous pesticide formulations. The Committee adopted draft decision guidance documents for chlorpyrifos and mercury, and agreed that notifications on chlorpyrifos-methyl and paraquat meet the criteria to be listed in the Rotterdam Convention. The CRC will continue reviewing notifications on nine substances and three severely hazardous pesticide formulations at its next meeting.