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16.7. Governments should (a) commit themselves at the highest political level to achieving the goals and objectives contained in this Programme of Action and (b) take a lead role in coordinating the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of follow-up actions. 16.8. Governments, organizations of the United Nations system and major groups, in particular non-governmental organizations, should give the widest possible dissemination to this Programme of Action and should seek public support for the goals, objectives and actions of this Programme of Action. This may include follow-up meetings, publications and audio-visual aids and both print and electronic media.

16.9. All countries should consider their current spending priorities with a view to making additional contributions for the implementation of the Programme of Action, taking into account the provisions of chapters XIII and XIV of the Programme of Action, and the economic constraints faced by developing countries.

16.10. All countries should establish appropriate national follow-up, accountability and monitoring mechanisms, in partnership with non- governmental organizations, community groups and representatives of the media and the academic community, as well as with the support of parliamentarians.

16.11. The international community should assist interested Governments in organizing appropriate national-level follow-up, including national capacity- building for project formulation and programme management, as well as strengthening of coordination and evaluation mechanisms to assess the implementation of the present Programme of Action.

16.12. Governments, with the assistance of the international community, where necessary, should as soon as possible set up or enhance national databases to provide baseline data and information that can be used to measure or assess progress towards the achievement of the goals and objectives of this Programme of Action, and other related international documents, commitments and agreements. For the purpose of assessing progress, all countries should regularly assess their progress towards achieving the objectives and goals of this Programme of Action and other related commitments and agreements and report, on a periodic basis, in collaboration with non-governmental organizations and community groups.

16.13. In the preparation of those assessments and reports, Governments should outline successes achieved, as well as problems and obstacles encountered. Where possible, such national reports should be compatible with the national sustainable development plans that countries will prepare in the context of the implementation of Agenda 21. Efforts should also be made to devise an appropriate consolidated reporting system, taking into account all relevant United Nations conferences having national reporting requirements in related fields.

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