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14.11. The international community should strive for the fulfilment of the agreed target of 0.7 per cent of GNP for overall ODA and endeavour to increase the share of funding for population and development programmes commensurate with the scope and scale of activities required to achieve the objectives and goals of the present Programme of Action. A crucially urgent challenge to the international donor community is therefore the translation of their commitment to the objectives and quantitative goals of the present Programme of Action into commensurate financial contributions to population programmes in developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Given the magnitude of the financial resource needs for national population and development programmes (as identified in chapter XIII), and assuming that recipient countries will be able to generate sufficient increases in domestically generated resources, the need for complementary resource flows from donor countries would be (in 1993 US dollars): in the order of $5.7 billion in 2000; $6.1 billion in 2005; $6.8 billion in 2010; and $7.2 billion in 2015. The international community takes note of the initiative to mobilize resources to give all people access to basic social services, known as the 20/20 initiative, which will be studied further in the context of the World Summit on Social Development.

14.12. Recipient countries should ensure that international assistance for population and development activities is used effectively to meet national population and development objectives so as to assist donors to secure commitment to further resources for programmes.

14.13. The United Nations Population Fund, other United Nations organizations, multilateral financial institutions, regional banks and bilateral financial sources are invited to consult, with a view to coordinating their financing policies and planning procedures to improve the impact, complementarity and cost-effectiveness of their contributions to the achievement of the population programmes of the developing countries and countries with economies in transition.

14.14. Criteria for allocation of external financial resources for population activities in developing countries should include:

(a) Coherent national programmes, plans and strategies on population and development;

(b) The recognized priority to the least developed countries;

(c) The need to complement national financial efforts on population;

(d) The need to avoid obstacles to, or reversal of, progress achieved thus far;

(e) Problems of significant social sectors and areas that are not reflected in national average indicators.

14.15. Countries with economies in transition should receive temporary assistance for population and development activities in the light of the difficult economic and social problems these countries face at present.

14.16. In devising the appropriate balance between funding sources, more attention should be given to South-South cooperation as well as to new ways of mobilizing private contributions, particularly in partnership with non- governmental organizations. The international community should urge donor agencies to improve and modify their funding procedures in order to facilitate and give higher priority to supporting direct South-South collaborative arrangements.

14.17. Innovative financing, including new ways of generating public and private financing resources, including various forms of debt relief, should be explored.

14.18. International financial institutions are encouraged to increase their financial assistance, particularly in population and reproductive health, including family planning and sexual health care.

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