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14.4. At the programme level, national capacity-building for population and development and transfer of appropriate technology and know-how to developing countries, including countries with economies in transition, must be core objectives and central activities for international cooperation. In this respect, important elements are to find accessible ways to meet the large commodity needs, of family-planning programmes, through the local production of contraceptives of assured quality and affordability, for which technology cooperation, joint ventures and other forms of technical assistance should be encouraged.
14.5. The international community should promote a supportive economic environment by adopting favourable macroeconomic policies for promoting sustained economic growth and development.
14.6. Governments should ensure that national development plans take note of anticipated international funding and cooperation in their population and development programmes, including loans from international financial institutions, particularly with respect to national capacity-building, technology cooperation and transfer of appropriate technology, which should be provided on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms, as mutually agreed, taking into account the need to protect international property rights, as well as the special needs of developing countries.
14.7. Recipient Governments should strengthen their national coordination mechanisms for international cooperation in population and development and in consultations with donors clarify the responsibilities assigned to various types of development partners, including intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations, based on careful consideration of their comparative advantages in the context of national development priorities and of their ability to interact with national development partners. The international community should assist recipient Governments to undertake these coordinating efforts.