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International Women's Tribune Centre, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, Tel: (1-212) 687-8633. Fax: (1-212) 661-2704 .


July 26th, 1995

by Anne S. Walker

IWTC, With Help From Kimo at IISD, Places NGO Forum Activity List On-Line

The NGO Forum on Women Activity List, i.e., the list of panels and workshops (minus cultural events, displays, etc.) that have been submitted by groups and organizations worldwide to the NGO Forum Office in New York for inclusion as part of the NGO Forum programme, is now available on the Internet. IWTC requested permission from the NGO Forum Office to make the list available on-line as part of efforts to encourage networking and collaboration amongst womenUs groups prior to and in Beijing. Permission was given with the following disclaimer:

"This is an unedited and unconfirmed listing of the activity requests received by the Forum. It is for informational purposes only. The NGO Forum will be producing a programme schedule which will be posted on-line sometime next week.

Please note that some of the activities listed here may be withdrawn by the activity sponsors, or they may be shortened and combined with other activities being sponsored by the same organization in the interest of space. Activity confirmation letters will be issued by the ForumUs scheduling office in the next week."

Currently, this very large document (approx. 400 pgs /1 megabyte of memory) is available through the IISD Linkages World Wide Web (WWW) server. It has been converted to Portable Document Format (PDF) so that it can be read by IBM and IBM-compatible PCs, Macintosh and Unix operating systems. The network address for information on the Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW) on the Linkages WWW is:

The PDF version of the document is located at:


In addition, the "Unofficial Map of the NGO Forum on Women, Huairou" produced by IWTC (using any available maps and photographs) is on-line as a graphic at:

To all of those who have no idea what all this means we apologize! Maybe however, you could take this information to a friend or colleague, or someone who has access to the Internet, perhaps at the nearest university or international agency, and ask if they could assist you in reaching this information. It should give you a good idea of what to expect at the NGO Forum on Women, and even more importantly, what activities are planned in the issue area with which you are most concerned. Using this information, you may be able to arrange to work together in Huairou with other groups involved in similar activities, or at least to meet with them to discuss future plans etc.

If you have questions about how to access this activity listing, contact Kimo at IISD (International Institute for Sustainable Development), who we must thank for his hard work on our behalf in making this activity listing available on the Internet. Kimo (a.k.a. Langston James Goree VI, Managing Editor, Earth Negotiations Bulletin) can be contacted at: e-mail: <> and/or telephone and fax: (1-212) 888-2737

We are currently researching the possibility of uploading the list onto the APC network, and are in discussion with WomensNet (Susan Mooney) about this. More later. Sorry we can't send everyone the list over the Global Faxnet! That would really break the bank!

Mentioning the bank reminds me that IWTC has received support towards the continuance of the Global Faxnet, at least through December 1995, from the Shaler Adams Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the United Methodist Church of the USA, the Joselow Foundation and the Stanley Foundation. For all these contributions, large and small, we are most grateful.