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International Women's Tribune Centre, 777 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY 10017, Tel: (1-212) 687-8633. Fax: (1-212) 661-2704 . e-mail:
JUNE 30th, 1995
Women's Bookstore at the NGO Forum on Women: Women, Ink., a project of IWTC that markets and distributes women and development materials, has agreed to undertake the running of a Women's Bookstore out at Huairou, though on a much smaller scale than previously envisaged. If you would like to have books (about, for and by women with a focus on books written and published in the Global South) sold through the bookstore, contact Rosemary Kalapurakal, Marketing Manager of Women, Ink., and she will send more information on this. (Same fax number as Global Faxnet)
Requests have also been made for information on how to ship materials to Beijing. The following has been provided by Henrik Lund of Shipco Transport Inc., Scan House, 80 Washington Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030, USA. Tel: (1-201) 216-1500. Fax: (1-201) 216-1744. Telex: 235671 scan group
Shipping of Materials to Beijing: Shipco is part of the Scan Group headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. In the USA, they have offices in TX, CA, MD, and WA.
Scan-Shipping can also be found in Germany, Poland, UK, Sri Lanka, Singapore, and Malaysia, and under the name of Seaway-Shipping in Norway and Shipco-Shipping in Sweden. They offer a full line of services in air and ocean freight transportation on a world wide basis. The agent they work with in Beijing is a fully licensed Freight Forwarder capable of offering all needed services inc. customs clearing at the airport, pick up and storage of goods and delivery to the Forum. The agent is: China Air Services Ltd., No.6 (A) Xinyuanli, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China. Tel: (86-10) 465-3973/465-3974/467-8639. Fax: (86-10) 465-3972. Contact: Mr. Sandy Wong or Mr. Jenkin Wong.
Cost Estimate: China Air Services are estimating the local charges in Beijing as US$1.75 per kilogram. Shipco rates from New York to Beijing are: Airway bill fee/US$15.00 per kilo and airline transfer/US$0.15 per kilo.
Who to Contact: The address in New Jersey is the head office for N. America.
For Europe, contact the main office in Copenhagen, Denmark: Scan-Shipping A/S, Snorresgade 19-20. 2300 Copenhagen S. Tel: (45-31) 57-43-00. Fax: (45-31) 57-49-00. Contact: Mr Henning Christensen. The regional head office for South East Asia is Singapore: Scan-Shipping (Pty. Ltd.), 70 Shenton Way, 12-02, Marina House, Singapore 0207. Tel: (65) 223-4644. Fax: (65) 224-3464. Contact: Mr. Hans Henrik Nielsen. Mr. Henrik Lund (address, telephone and fax given above) will answer any requests for information for Africa, L. America, and other parts of the world.
When to Send: It is recommended that goods be available for pick-up no later than the week of August 7, 1995 in order to land the goods in Beijing 10 days prior to the start of the Forum.
How to Label: You need to have your name on the label, your NGO Forum registration number, and the address -NGO Forum on Women, Huairou- clearly printed. Anything else needed will be explained by the shipping agent.
What About Customs Restrictions?: The truth is, we probably will not know what is considered undesirable until something is stopped in Beijing. The China Air Services agent seems to feel there will be no problems, except if arms or drugs...
If you have any burning questions regarding Beijing, please fax us and we will try and either respond directly to you, or include a response in future faxnets.