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First PrepCom for the World Summit on Sustainable Development
30 April-2 May, New York  
                                                          >>Version française: BNT<<

April 30 - May 02
CSD 10 
 monday 30 : tuesday 01 : summary :


Highlights from Tuesday, 1 May


Under-Secretary-General for Economic and Social Affaris Nitin Desai with PrepCom Chair Elim Salim (Indonesia)

On the second day of its work, the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-10), acting as the preparatory committee (PrepCom) for the World Summit on Sustainable Development, discussed the draft rules of procedure for the Summit and its preparatory process and heard presentations by South Africa on preparatory work for the Summit and by Indonesia on the preparatory work for the third preparatory session, thus concluding consideration of the agenda items on progress in preparatory activities and on the process for setting the agenda and determining themes of the Summit. To allow G-77/China consultations in the early afternoon, Plenary reconvened at 5:00 pm and began consideration of the draft decision on progress in the preparatory activities at the local, national, regional and international levels, as well as by major groups.Five draft decisions were proposed by the Chair, and discussions began late in the afternoon. The proposed draft decisions address: Progress in the preparatory activities at the local, national and international levels as well as by major groups; Specific modalities of future sessions of the Preparatory Committee; Tentative organization of work during the World Summit on Sustainable Development; Rules of Procedure of the World Summit for Sustainable Development; and Arrangements for accreditation and participation in the preparatory process and in the Summit of relevant NGOs and other major groups.


PrepCom-1 Summary




CSD-9 Summary




 Tue 01




 Wed 02




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General Discussion on Stakeholder participation and Draft rules of procedure for the Summit

JoAnne DiSano, Director, UN Division for Sustainable Development, presented the Secretary-General's Report on suggested arrangements for involving NGOs and other major groups in the Summit and its preparatory process (E/CN.17/2001/PC/22), noting that it builds on the experience of stakeholder participation in the CSD process.

On the accreditation criteria and procedures, the, Iran for the G-77/China, proposed text underlining the role of the PrepCom in the accreditation of NGOs and major groups, and requested that the Secretariat submit its recommendations to the PrepCom two weeks, rather than one week, before each committee meeting. He proposed the establishment of a trust fund, called on the Secretariat to evaluate the outcome of the Multi-Stakeholder Dialogues, and cautioned against a proliferation of Dialogues.

The G-77/China proposed textual amendments on the secretariat providing simultaneous interpretation of speeches at the meetings, and proposed including a footnote listing the associate members of regional commissions who may participate as observers. On identifying the Summit themes, he said that note should be taken of the statements of member states, outputs of regional and subregional intergovernmental processes, and outputs of national preparatory committees. With the Russian Federation (left), he underlined that all processes relevant to the summit should be integrated into the PrepCom. He also proposed that the Secretariat prepare reports on: trends in the implementation of Agenda 21 based on national reports; evaluating actions undertaken by the UN system in providing assistance to developing countries; evaluating contributions made by major groups in implementing Agenda 21; and evaluating implementation of the mandates of CSD since CSD-1.

Hungary advised that Agenda 21 should not be renegotiated and delegates should not strive to repeat the Rio Summit, and emphasized realistic, achievable and short-term goals.


The UNED Forum stressed that the CSD must address issues of legitimacy and that the process should be facilitated in constructive and creative way that leads to sense of engagement and enthusiasm.
A representative from the Education Caucus called for recognition and reaffirmation of the vital role that education plays in building sustainable development.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Chemical Safety highlighted bilateral and multilateral initiatives related to, inter alia, responsible chemical management.
The Economic and Social Council of Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) described preparatory activities in the region.

Preparatory activities and process for setting the agenda for the World Summit on Sustainable Development
South Africa gave a presentation on the status of preparations for the Summit, noting inter alia that: the conference venue has been secured, including three satellite centers; provision has been made for accommodation at appropriate rates; national structures are being led at the highest levels in cabinet; a national preparatory committee has been established with participation of major stakeholders; an environmental management plan and standards will be implemented; a major exhibition on leading industrial and environmental technologies will be held; and that the summit company will launch its website in July 2001. An initial proposal of the conference logo was presented.
Sipho M. Pityana, Department of Foreign Affairs, South Africa
Crispian Olver, Department of Environmental Affaris and Tourism, South Africa
Indonesia outlined logistical details for the final PrepCom to be held in Bali from 27 May - 7 June, 2002.

Consideration of the Draft Decisions

PrepCom Chair Emil Salim
Regarding documentation for submission to the PrepCom at its next session, Hungary suggested an integrated assessment of the recent social, economic and environmental trends and their scenarios for the next decade.

Argentina and Brazil

Brazil noted that it while the Secretariat should produce a summary of the trends, it is the Commission's responsibility to evaluate progress, while EGYPT emphasized that the purpose of the exercise was to have the salient trends identified.

Regarding documentation for submission to the PrepCom at its next session, Iceland, opposed by the G-77/China, proposed information on options to improve the CSD's effectiveness and input to the evaluation and definition of its role and programme of work.
On inputs from other processes, the G-77/China noted that unlike other processes, the International Environmental Governance (IEG) seeks to capture the environmental agenda and due to the need to balance the three pillars of sustainable development, he emphasized that the IEG outputs should be submitted to the first substantive meeting of the PrepCom, but the EU preferred that it be done "as soon as possible." Canada (left) noted that as the IEG results should be submitted to UNEP's Governing Council before submission to the PrepCom. It was agreed that the matter be discussed by an informal group.
Regarding documentation for submission to the PrepCom at its next session, Iran, for the G-77/China (right), proposed submissions by the UN system and Bretton Woods institutions on their implementation action of Agenda 21, and the US, opposed by the G-77/China, suggested adding reviews of the domestic and international obstacles to implementation. In response to the G-77/China concern that Hungary's proposal is ambitious and Iceland's proposal exceeds the mandate given to the Commission, Hungary emphasized the need to ensure the need for synergy and linkage with other processes, and Iceland suggested confining action to the mandate as stipulated in the GA resolution 55/199. The issue was left for further consultations.
Regarding the goal of mobilizing high-level national political leadership for effective Summit preparations, input from the G-77/China, US (left) and EU suggested that these preparations result in a strengthened global partnership and further implementation of Agenda 21, although exact text was not agreed upon.
In addition to mobilizing political support, Sweden, for the EU (right) supported by the G-77/CHINA, proposed that the role of the Bureau include pursing the support of international financial institutions.

Miscellaneous Photos


John Ashe, Angitgua and Barbuda, speaks with ENB writer Wagaki

ENB writer Wendy Jackson (right) speaks with Vicki Berry and Andrew Kneyon from Canada


ENB writer Jon Hanks
The delegation of Belgium

Bureau Members

Jan Kara (Czech Republic), Lars-Göran Engfeldt (Sweden) and Emil Salim (Indonesia)

Kiyo Akasaka (Japan) and Ahmed Ihab Gamaleldin (Egypt) and Ositadinma Anaedu (Nigeria) for Africa
Diane Marie Quarless (Jamaica)

EU meeting with NGOs

Side Event: Invitation to Find Earth Champions in Each Nation
Organized by the Australian Conservation Fund in collaboration with Athena Foundation
Fiona Mathews, Athena Foundation, organized this event to highlight the "Earth Champions" - a global competition supported by organizations such as UNEP, IUCN, the Nobel Foundation, and the Australian Government, to find and promote environmental champions. Earth Champions are meant to provide hope and leadership to today's youth and to future generations by the integrity of their actions which contribute to sustainable development. The presentation provided an overview of the organization, categories of qualification for Earth Champions, assessment methods, and outputs. The official invitation to all nations and the start of the search for Earth Champions will take place at the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development. The first global announcement of Earth Champions will be at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, Greece.

Students from Columbia University (photo above) sing for the side event, reminding delegates that this process is about providing for future generations.


Fiona Mathews (standing, photo right)
presents alongside children from
the United Nations International School
in New York (photos below).




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